TIFRH Library
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Books issue/return facility is available between 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM on Monday-Friday (except Holidays and Weekends). For any clarifications/help please call Circulation Desk on 040 2020 3132.



Our aim is to develop and deliver user-focussed library services that support and enhance academic research programmes of the Institute. The library provides the following services:

1. Circulation

2. Reference Services

3. Inter Library Loan Services

4. Remote Access Services

5. Personal and Project Orders

6. Browsing Assistance

7. Central Photocopying Services

8. User Terminal Services


TIFRH Library offers book issuance services for students (8 books for 2 months) and faculty members (12 books for 3 months).

Book Issuence:

To borrow a book, just take the book card from the inside of the back cover, fill in the necessary information (Date, User Name, Computer Code), and place the card in the designated drop box.

Books Return Service:

Return books by dropping them in the Check-in box at the library.

Reissue Service:

Reissue services are available upon user request for an additional two months if the books are not in demand.

Books Reservation Services:

1. Reservation facility is provided for users if the required books are already issued.

2. Books that are ‘On display’ are not available for issuance during display period. If you need any particular book among them, please remove the book card from the backside of the cover page and enter details such as your name and computer number, there is no need to write the date. After the display period, we will issue the book.

Users are informed when the reserved books are returned to the library.


Some important reference books are kept in a locked cabinet. In special cases, we issue these books for weekends (from Friday evening to Monday morning).

If the books are not returned on time, users will incur a penalty of Rs. 5/- per day and in future, reference books will not be issued to that user.


If a required book is not available in our collection, users can utilize the Inter-Library Loan (ILL) service.

For articles not subscribed to by TIFRH, users may also request them through ILL.

How It Works:

To request a book or article, email the details to The TIFRH Library will source it from other libraries or providers.


The TIFRH Library provides a VPN service called "Virtual Private Network Services" for the benefit of research scholars and faculty. Through the TIFRH VPN, research scholars and faculty can access e-resources subscribed by the TIFRH anywhere and anytime. Hence, all students, scientific staff, and faculty are requested to utilize this facility to enhance the quality of education and research.

For VPN Services please Contact with TIFRH IT Department.


Users can procure books for personal or project use through TIFRH Library's regular vendors.

For procuring books, send a mail with details such as title, author, ISBN, and publishers for personalized service and applicable discounts may be availed.


The TIFRH Library offers an Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) service, allowing users to search for books, Hindi books, theses, and more. If you have difficulty locating a book on the shelves, the library staff is available to assist.


The TIFRH Library offers central photocopying, scanning, and printing services exclusively for TIFRH members. This service offers black-and-white copies only, color printing is not available.

Steps to follow to access the Central Xerox Facility:

1. Activate Printer Service: Please visit the IT office along with your RFID card to have your user account activated for printer services. (Note: If you do not have RFID card yet, kindly contact Mr. Narsimha, visit IT office to submit your sign)

2. Install Drivers: After activation, install the necessary printer drivers by following the instructions.

1. For Windows Click Here

2. For Linux Click Here

3.For MacBook Click Here

3. Print: Head to the printer, and use your RFID card to unlock it,select your document and click on print.

4. Copy and Scan: You can also use the printer for copying and scanning. Just unlock the printer with your RFID card first.

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reach out to the IT support team.

Usage Guidelines for Library Xerox Facility:

1. The paper trays are replenished daily—no need to bring your own.

2. Avoid opening the paper trays unnecessarily. A red alert light will blink when the papers runs out.

3. If the red light is blinking, inform the Library staff, and we will restock the paper.

4. Important: Do not take papers from the Xerox machine for personal use.


The TIFRH Library provides five user terminals for users to access OPAC, databases, e-books, e-journals, and other e- resources. The library's reading area is Wi-Fi enabled, allowing users to access the internet wirelessly. Users are welcome to use their laptops in the library.

For more information about these services, please contact the TIFRH Library at or call 040-2020-3132.