TIFRH Library
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Books issue/return facility is available between 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM on Monday-Friday (except Holidays and Weekends). For any clarifications/help please call Circulation Desk on 040 2020 3132.

About TIFRH Library

About Us:

The TIFRH library offers a collection of over 1,200+ books covering various subjects like physics, chemistry, biology and computer science, catering to faculty, students, and scientific staff. Additionally, there are 300+ storybooks available in both Hindi and English for all members. As of March 31, 2024, the library has a total of 1,500+ books. TIFRH Library subscribes to 2 print journals, multiple electronic resources and collaborates with consortiums like TIFR and DAE for wider access. Furthermore, it provides magazines and services such as referencing, off-campus access, inter-library loans, and document delivery. The library, fully equipped with Wi-Fi, serves as the institute's knowledge hub, facilitating access to both online and print resources for its users.
Library services are completely automated with all the required software tools, Biometric user authentication system.

Library Opening Hours:
The Library is open 24*7 to TIFRH Members.
Books may be checked out/ returned self.
Library staff are available from 09:30 AM to 6.00 PM on working days.

Books Issue Procedure:
To borrow a book, just take the book card from the inside of the back cover, fill in the necessary information (Date, User Name, Computer Code), and place the card in the designated drop box. The book will then be officially checked out.

Books Return Procedure:
Books should not be returned to the library without the presence of a library staff member. If the staff is on leave, please leave the books on the librarians table. Please note that books placed on the librarians table are not available for issuance.

TIFRH Library Membership:
All faculty members, students, and scientific staff of the institute are eligible to register as library members, giving them access to its facilities and services. Visitors can use the library with some restrictions on borrowing privileges; they may borrow books under the name of their respective hosts.

TIFRH VPN Services:
The TIFRH Library offers Virtual Private Network (VPN) services to benefit academic members. Through VPN access, all members can access TIFRH subscribed e-resources from any location at any time.

List of Online Journals: