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AAA Science E-Package(American Association of the Advancement of Sicence)
Science Online1997 +
Science Immunology 2016 +
Science Signalling1999 +
ACS (American Chemical Society) E-Package
ACS Journal [All]1996 +
AIP (American Institute of Physics) E-Package
AIP Advances 2011 +
AIP Conference Proceedings 1970 +
American Journal of Physics1933 +
APL Bioengineering2017 +
APL Energy 2023 +
APL Machine Learning 2023 +
APL Materials 2013 +
APL Photonics 2016 +
APL Quantum2024 +
Applied Physics Letters 1962 +
Applied Physics Reviews 2014 +
AVS Quantum Science 2019 +
Biointerphases 2006 +
Biomicrofluidics 2007 +
Biophysics Reviews2020 +
Chaos 1991 +
Chemical Physics Reviews 2020 +
Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics 2006 +
International Journal of Fluid Engineering2024 +
Journal of Applied Physics 1931 +
The Journal of Chemical Physics 1933 +
JASA Express Letters2021 +
The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 1929 +
Journal of Laser Applications 1988 +
Journal of Mathematical Physics 1960 +
Journal of Physical and Chemical Reference Data1972 +
Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 1946 +
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 2009 +
Journal of Rheology 1957 +
JVST A: Vacuum, Surfaces, and Films 1983 +
JVST B: Nanotechnology and Microelectronics 1983 +
Low Temperature Physics 1997 +
Matter and Radiation at Extremes 2016 +
Nanotechnology and Precision Engineering 2018 +
Physics of Fluids 1989 +
Physics of Plasmas 1994 +
Physics Today 1948 +
Review of Scientific Instruments 1930 +
Structural Dynamics 2014 +
Surface Science Spectra 1992 +
The Physics Teacher 1963 +
Annual Reviews E-Package
Annual Review of Biophysics 2015 +
Annual Review of Biochemistry 2015 +
Annual Review of Physical Chemistry 2015 +
Annual Review of Cell & Developmental Biology 2005 +
Annual Review of Condensed Matter Physics 2015 +
Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 2015 +
APS (American Physical Society) E-Package
Physical Review - A 1970 +
Physical Review Applied 2014 +
Physical Review - B 1970 +
Physical Review - C 1970 +
Physical Review - D 1970 +
Physical Review - E 1993 +
Physical Review Fluids 2016 +
Physical Review materials 2017 +
Physical Review Letters 1958 +
Reviews of Modern Physics 1929 +
Physics Review online Archive(PROLA) 1893-1912
Cambridge University Press
Cambridge University Pres 2022
Elsevier E-Package
Advances in Mathematics 1992 +
Analytical Biochemistry 1960 +
Annals of Physics 1957 +
Applied Materials Today 2015 +
Astroparticle Physics (2005 +) 1992 +
Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 1959 +
Biochemica et Biophysica Acta: Proteins and Proteomics2002 +
Bioorganics & Medicinal Chemistry 1993 +
Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry Letters1991 +
Biophysical Journal1960 +
Bulletin des Sciences Math matiques1998 +
Cancer Cell 2002 +
Cell1974 +
Cell Calcium 1980 +
Cell Chemical Biology 1994 +
Cell Metabolism2005 +
Cell Stem Cell2007 +
Chem2016 +
Chemical Physics 1973 +
Chemical Physics Letters 1967 +
Computer Physics Communications 1969 +
Coordination Chemistry Reviews 1966 +
Current Biology 1991 +
Current Opinion in Cell Biology1989 +
Current Opinion in Chemical Biology 1997 +
Current Opinion in Genetics & Development 1991 +
Current Opinion in Immunology 1988 +
Current Opinion in Neurobiology 1991 +
Current Opinion in Structural Biology 1991 +
Developmental Biology 1959 +
Developmental Cell2001 +
Drug Discovery Today2005 +
Educational Research Review 2006 +
Electrochimica Acta 1959 +
European Journal of Combinatorics1980 +
Gene1976 +
Immunity 1994 +
Indagationes Mathematicae1990 +
Information and Computation1987 +
Information Processing Letters1971 +
Journal de Mathematiques pures et Appliquees1997 +
Journal of Algebra 1964 +
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series A1971 +
Journal of Combinatorial Theory, Series B1971 +
Journal of Computational Physics1966 +
Journal of Differential Equations1965 +
Journal of Functional Analysis 1967 +
Journal of Magnetic Resonance 1997 +
Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic materials 1975 +
Journal of Molecular Biology 1959 +
Journal of Number Theory1969 +
Journal of Organometallic Chemistry1963 +
Journal of Structural Biology 1990 +
Journal of Theoretical Biology1961 +
Learning and Instruction 1991 +
Linear Algebra and its Application1968 +
Materials Today 1998 +
Methods1990 +
Molecular Cell1997 +
Neuron1988 +
Nuclear Data Sheets 1971 +
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment 1984 +
Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms 1984 +
Nuclear Physics A1967 +
Optics & Laser Technology 1971 +
Optics Communications1969 +
Organic Electornics 2000 +
Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 1975 +
Physica B: Condensed Matter 1988 +
Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 1980 +
Physics Letters A 1967 +
Physics of Life Reviews 2004 +
Physics Reports 1971 +
Polyhedron 1982 +
Progress in Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy 1965 +
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics1978 +
Radiation Physics and Chemistry2006 +
Reports on Mathematical Physics1970 +
Solid State Communiations1964 +
Solid State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance1992 +
Spectrochimica Acta part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy1995 +
Stochastic Processes and their Applications1973 +
Structure2015 +
Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 1970 +
Tetrahedron1957 +
Tetrahedron Letters1959 +
The Journal of Mathematical Behavior 1994 +
The Lancet1823 +
Trends in Cell Biology 1991 +
Trends in Cognitive Sciences1997 +
Trends in Genetics 1985 +
Trends in Immunology 1980 +
Trends in Neurosciences 1978 +
IOP Science E-Package (Institute of Physics Publishing)
2D Materials 2014 +
Acta Physica Sinica (Overseas Edition) (Vol.1 to Vol.8) 1992-1999
Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 2010 +
Applied Physics Express 2008 +
Biofabrication 2009 +
Bioinspiration & Biomimetics 2006 +
Biomedical Materials 2006 +
Biomedical Physics & Engineering Express 2015 +
British Journal of Applied Physics (Vol.1 to Vol.18) 1950-1967
Chinese Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics (Vol.1 to Vol.8) 2001-2008
Chinese Physics B 2008 +
Chinese Physics (Vol.9 to Vol.16) 2000-2007
Chinese Physics C (Vol.32 +) 2008 +
Chinese Physics Letters 1984 +
Classical and Quantum Gravity 1984 +
Clinical Physics and Physiological Measurement (Vol.1 to Vol.13) 1980-1992
Communications in Theoretical Physics 1982 +
Computational Science & Discovery (Vol.1 to Vol.8) 2008-2015
Convergent Science Physical Oncology (Vol.1 to Vol.4) 2015-2018
Electronic Structure 2019 +
Europhysics Letters 1986 +
European Journal of Physics 1980 +
Flexible and Printed Electronics 2016 +
Fluid Dynamics Research 1986 +
Functional Composites and Structures 2019 +
Inverse Problems 1985 +
Izvestiya: Mathematics (Vol.1 to Vol.86) 1993-2022
Japanese Journal of Applied Physics 1962 +
Journal of Breath Research 2007 +
Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics 2003 +
Journal of High Energy Physics (Vol.1 to Vol.13) 1997-2009
Journal of Instrumentation2006 +
Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering1991 +
Journal of Neural Engineering 2004 +
Journal of Nuclear Energy. Part C, Plasma Physics, Accelerators, Thermonuclear Research (Vol.1 to Vol.8) 1960-1966
Journal of Optics (Vol.12 +) 2010 +
Journal of Optics A: Pure and Applied Optics (Vol.1 to Vol.11) 1999-2009
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical (Vol.40 +) 2007 +
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General(Vol.8 to Vol.39)) 1975-2006
Journal of Physics A: Mathematical, Nuclear and General (Vol.6 to Vol.7)) 1973-1974
Journal of Physics A: General Physics (Vol.1 to Vol.5) 1968-1972
Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics (Vol.21 +) 1988 +
Journal of Physics B: Atomic and Molecular Physics (Vol.1 to Vol.20) 1968-1987
Journal of Optics B: Quantum and Semiclassical Optics (Vol.1 to Vol.7) 1999-2005
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 1968 +
Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments (Vol.1 to Vol.22) 1968-1989
Journal of Scientific Instruments(Vol.1 to Vol.44) 1924-1967
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear Physics (Vol.1 to Vol.14) 1975-1988
Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics (Vol.15 +) 1989 +
Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1989 +
Journal of Physics F: Metal Physics (Vol.1 to Vol.18) 1971-1988
Journal of Physics C: Solid State Physics (Vol.1 to Vol.21) 1968-1988
Journal of Radiological Protection (Vol.8 +) 1988 +
Journal of the Society for Radiological Protection (Vol.1 to Vol.7) 1981-1987
Journal of Semiconductors (Vol.30 +) 2009 +
Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2004 +
Laser Physics (Vol.23 +) 2013 +
Laser Physics Letters 2004 +
Materials Research Express 2014 +
Mathematics of the USSR-Izvestiya (Vol.1 to Vol.38) 1967-1992
Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik (Vol.1 to Vol.74) 1967-1993
Measurement Science and Technology 1990 +
Methods and Applications in Fluorescence 2013 +
Metrologia 1965 +
Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering 1992 +
Multifunctional Materials (Vol.1 to Vol.5) 2018-2022
Nano Futures 2017 +
Nanotechnology 1990 +
Nonlinearity 1988 +
Nouvelle Revue d'Optique (Vol.4 to Vol.7) 1973-1976
Nouvelle Revue d'Optique Appliqu e (Vol.1 to Vol.3) 1970-1972
Nuclear Fusion 1960 +
Physica Scripta 1970 +
Physical Biology 2004 +
Physics Education 1966 +
Physics in Medicine & Biology 1956 +
Physics in Technology (Vol.4 to Vol.19) 1973-1988
Pure and Applied Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part A (Vol.1 to Vol.7) 1992-1998
Physics-Uspekhi (Vol.36 to Vol.65) 1993-2022
Physics World 1988 +
Physics Bulletin (Vol.1 to Vol.39) 1950-1988
Physiological Measurement (Vol.14 +) 1993 +
Plasma Physics (Vol.9 to Vol.25)1967-1983
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion (Vol.26 +)1984 +
Plasma Research Express (Vol.1 to Vol.4) 2019-2022
Plasma Science and Technology 1999 +
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 1992 +
Proceedings of the Physical Society (Vol.71 to Vol.92) 1958-1967
Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section A (Vol.62-Vol.70) 1949-1957
Proceedings of the Physical Society. Section B (Vol.62-Vol.70) 1949-1957
Proceedings of the Physical Society (Vol.39-Vol.61) 1926-1948
Proceedings of the Physical Society of London (Vol.1 to Vol.38) 1874-1925
Progress in Biomedical Engineering 2019 +
Progress in Energy 2019 +
Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific 1889 +
Quantum Electronics (Vol.23 to Vol.52)1993-2022
Quantum Science and Technology 2016 +
Quantum Optics: Journal of the European Optical Society Part B (Vol.1 to Vol.6) 1989-1994
Reports on progress in physics 1934 +
Research in Astronomy and Astrophysics 2009 +
Review of Physics in Technology (Vol.1 to Vol.3) 1970-1972
Russian Chemical Reviews (Vol.29 to Vol.91) 1960-2022
Russian Mathematical Surveys (Vol.15 to Vol.77) 1960-2022
Sbornik: Mathematics (Vol.76 to Vol.213) 1993-2022
Semiconductor Science and Technology 1986 +
Smart Materials and Structures 1992 +
Soviet Journal of Quantum Electronics (Vol.1 to Vol.22) 1971-1992
Soviet Physics Uspekhi (Vol.1 to Vol.35) 1958-1992
Superconductor Science and Technology 1988 +
Surface Topography: Metrology and Properties 2013 +
Transactions of the Optical Society (Vol.1 to Vol.33) 1899-1931
Translational Materials Research (Vol.1 to Vol.5) 2014-2018
Translational Materials Research (Vol.1 to Vol.5) 2014-2018
Nature E-Package [All]
Nature All (Through ODOS) Available
Oxford University Press E-Package
Oxford University Press Year
PNAS E-Package (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences)
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS)1919 +
RSC E-Package(Royal Society of Chemistry)
The Analyst 2008 +
Analytical Methods 2016
Biomaterials Science 2016
Catalysis Science & Technology2011 +
Chemical Communications2008 +
Chemical Society Reviews2008 +
Chemistry World2016
Dalton Transactions 2008 +
Energy & Environmental Science2008 +
Environmental Science: Nano2016
Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts2016
Faraday Discussions (Vol.92 +)2021 +
Food Function2016
Green Chemistry 2008 +
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (JAAS) 2016
Journal of Materials Chemistry A2013 +
Journal of Materials Chemistry B2013 +
Journal of Materials Chemistry C2013 +
Lab on a Chip2021 +
Materials Chemistry Frontiers2017 +
Materials Horizonsa2021 +
Molecular BioSystems2016
Nanoscale 2009 +
Natural product Reports 2016
New Journal of Chemistry (Vol.22 +)2008 +
Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry2008 +
Organic Chemistry Frontiers2014 +
Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences2016
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics2008 +
Polymer Chemistry2021 +
RSC Medicinal Chemistry (Vol.11 +)2021 +
Soft Matter2008 +
Toxicology Research2016
Springer E-Journals Package [All]
Springer Journals (1997+ )(Through ODOS) Available
Taylor and Francis E-Journals Package
Taylor & Francis Journals [Phys/Math] (1997+) Available
Wiley E-Journals Package
Wiley All (Through ODOS)Available
Bio Polymers (Core)1963 +
Peptide Science (Core)1996 +
Angewandte Chemie International Edition (Core)1962 +
CemSystemsChem (Core)2019 +
Acat Crystallographica Section B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and materials (Core)1968 +
EMBO Reports (Core2000 +
The EMBO Journal (Core) 1982 +
Journal of combinatorial designs (Core) 1993 +
Journal of graph Theory (Core) 1977 +
Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society (Core) 1969 +
Journal of the London Mathematical Society (Core1926 +
Proceedings of of the London Mathematical Society (Core1865 +
Advanced Energy Materials (Core2011 +
Advanced Materials (Core1989 +
BioEssays (Core1984 +
Chemistry - An Asian Journal (Core) 2006 +
ChemBioChem (Core) 2000 +
ChemPhysChem (Core) 2000 +
ChemPlusChem (Core) 2012 +
Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics (Core) 1948 +
Electrophoresis (Core) 1980 +
European Journals of Neuroscience (Core) 1989 +
Fortschritte der Physik/Progress of Physics (Core) 1953 +
FEBS letters (Core) 1968 +
International Journal of quantum Chemistry (Core)1967 +
Journal of Neurochemistry (Core) 1956 +
Journal of Research in Science Teaching (Core) 1963 +
Journal of Topology (Core) 2008 +
Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry (Core) 1969 +
Mathematische Nachrichten (Core) 1948 +
Protein Science (Core) 1992 +
Random Structures & Algorithms (Core) 1990 +
Review of Education (Core) 2013 +
School Science and Mathematics (Core) 1901 +
Science Education (Core) 1916 +
Software: Practice and Experience (Core) 1971 +
The FEBS Journal (Core) 1967 +
The Journal of Physics (Core) Year
The Plant Journal (Core) 1991 +
Yeast (Core) 1985 +
Acta crystallographica Section A Foundations and Advances (Custom) 1968 +
Acta crystallographica Section F Structural Biology Communications (Custom) 2005 +
Acta crystallographica Section C Structural Chemistry (Custom) 1983 +
Acta crystallographica Section D Structural Biology (Custom) 1993 +
Advanced Functional Materials (Custom) 1992 +
Annalen der Physik (Custom) 1799 +
Annals of the New york Academy of Sciences (Custom) 1924 +
Anthropology & Education Quarterly (Custom) 1970 +
Astronomische Nachrichten (Custom) 1823 +
Biotechnology and Bioengineering (Custom) 1959 +
British Educational Research Journal (Custom) 1975 +
British Jouranal of Educational Technology (Custom) 1970 +
Cell Biochemistry & Function (Custom) 1983 +
Centaurus (Custom)(Vol.1 to Vol.63) 1950-2021
Chemical Biology &Drug Design (Custom) 1969 +
Chemistry-A European Journal (Custom)1995 +
Developmental Dynamics (Custom) 1901 +
Educational Measurement: Issues and Practice (Custom) 1982 +
Educational Theory (Custom) 1951 +
European journal of Education (Custom) 2000 +
European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry (Custom) 1968 +
European Journal of organic Chemistry (Custom) 1832 +
International Journal of Art &Design Education (Custom) 1982 +
International Jouranl of Chemical Kinetics (Custom) 1969 +
Journal of Applied Polymer Science (Custom) 1959 +
Journalof Cellular Biochemistry (Custom) 1972 +
Journal of Computational Chemistry (Custom) 1980 +
Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (Custom) 1985 +
Jouranal of Educational Measurement (Custom) 1964 +
Journal of Engineering Education (Custom) 1993 +
Jouranal of Mass Spectrometry (Incorp Biological Mass Spectrometry) (Custom) 1968 +
Journal of Peptide Science (Custom) 1995 +
Journal of Philosophy of Education (Custom) 1967 +
Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry (Custom) 1946 +
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (Custom) 1973 +
Journal of Research in Special Educational Needs (Custom) 2001 +
Learning Disabilities Research & Practice (Custom) 2001-2023
Luminescence: The Journal of Biological and Chemical Luminescence (Custom) 1986 +
Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (Custom) 1984 +
Mass Spectrometry Reviews (Custom) 1982 +
Mathematical Finance (Custom) 1991 +
Mathematical Methods in The Applied Sciences (Custom) 1979 +
Mind, Brain, and Education (Custom) 2007 +
New Directions for Evaluation (Custom) 1978 +
New Directions for Teaching and Learning (Custom) 1980 +
Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (Custom) 1994 +
Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations (Custom) 1994 +
NMR in Biomedicine (Custom) 1988 +
Photochemistry & Photobiology (Custom) 1962 +
Proceedings in Applied Mathematics & Machanics (Custom) 2002 +
Psychology in the schools (Custom) 1964 +
Physica status solidi (a) applications and materials science (Custom) 1970 +
Physica Status Solidi (b) basic solid state physics (Custom) 1961 +
Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry (Custom) 1987 +
Studies in Applied Mathematics (Custom) 1922 +
Support for Learning (Custom) 1986 +
Small (Custom) 2005 +
Traffic (Custom) 2000 +
ZAMM- Jouranl of Applied Mathematics and Mechanic (Custom) 1921 +
World Scientific
World Scientific 2001 +