TIFRH Library
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Books issue/return facility is available between 9.30 AM to 6.00 PM on Monday-Friday (except Holidays and Weekends). For any clarifications/help please call Circulation Desk on 040 2020 3132.


TIFRH Library Policies

1. New faculty, scientific staff, and all students are required to pay a refundable fee of Rs. 2000/- for the library membership.

2. Only faculty recommendations are acceptable for procuring new books, journals, and magazines.

3. If students want to recommend a book, they must obtain recommendation forms available in the library and get it endorsed by their PI (Principal Investigator).

4. The library purchases only three copies of each title. If more copies are needed, the PI must obtain Centre Directors approval

5. Out of three copies, two copies are designated for circulation and one copy is reserved for reference purposes only.

6. A fine will be charged for the loss of books, and the amount will be the printed price of the book or the cost of replacement.

7. If a book is out of print, the barrower required to pay the original cost of the book and a fine of Rs.2000/-

8. In case of an urgent requirement of book(s), Centre Directors Approval is necessary.

9. Scientific books that are already present in the library are not acceptable as gifts. All other book gifts are subjects to the approval of Coordinator-Library.

10. Every year stock verification will be conducted for DAE Audit, with the participation of all faculty, scientific staff, and student support.

11. The photocopying of books or articles is strictly prohibited under the established copyright policy.

12. All cases of the infringement of the above-mentioned rules will be reported to concerned authority for appropriate action.