Khajavali Bukya
Scientific Assistant-C
Contact: 040 2020 3132
Library working hours are round-the-clock.
Library staff are available from 09:30 AM to 6.00 PM on working days.
Access is granted to all members into the library.
Bags should be kept in the assigned places. Important items should not be left in the library, and the library staff are not responsible for any missing items.
Discussion, eating, drinking, smoking, and the phone calls are strictly prohibited in the library premises..
Books can be issued for two months for students and three months for faculty members and scientific staff.
To borrow a book, one has to simply remove the book card from the back side of the last cover page, fill in the required details (Date, User Name, Computer Code), and drop the card in the designated drop box. The book is then considered on officially checked.
To return, books should be kept in the box marked on the “Returned books" box, and after the completion of the return book process, books are kept on the shelf and available for issue..
Books will be reissued if not in demand.
Reference books, periodicals/journals, and compact disks are not issued for home lending.
Books should be returned on or before the due date.
A fine of Rs 2/- per day will be charged for books returned after the due date.
If the due date falls on a holiday, the book should be returned on the next day. Fines will be calculated from the due date until the book is returned if not done immediately after the holiday.
1. Library users the responsible for any damage or mutilation noticed at the time of returning of borrowed books.
2. After using library items such as magazines, journals, chairs, and computers, members should ensure that they are kept in their designated places. Failure to do so will result in the library taking appropriate action, including the ban from the library facility.
New faculty members, students, and scientific staff must take library membership for book issuance..
Ph.D. and I Ph.D. Students must submit their theses (Hardcopy and Softcopy) to the library, otherwise, NDC will not be issued.
Books not intended for borrowing are exhibited. If a reservation is required, a reservation facility is available on a first-come, first-served basis. These books are only issued after they have been displayed
Books should be placed them on the designated side.